Sunday 15 September 2024

All roads leads to Moira! See the Traditional House before its wiped off!

This is the house in Maroon and yellow with white cross exalted high above is must place to visit to get glimpse of it before it gets wiped away from the land of Moira. 

Teacher Julia D'souza, 78 is going through sleepless moments contemplating prospects of life when her house and home is placed under Delhi and Haryana real estate threats. She is at her house and used to feel at home. This changed all of sudden when Delhi capital found its way in Moira to mess things up for her and her family.

The house is located at Sataporio, Moira and  Delhi real estate agents has already started cutting down the trees she held dear. To make matters worse she realized that portion of the sold land has her house wall as boundary and half the house can be pulled down any moment.

There is some kind of Trinity of unholy nature that has combined on record to buy off the 675 square meters of land constituting survey no. 154/7. Julia worried about the fate of her house where in she has invested so much of her finances to repair the roof, and importantly her emotions.

Julia filed complaint before Village Panchayat of Moira on 02 September 2024 calling for urgent site inpection addressing the letter to Sarpanch/Secretary. In her complaint she called for immidiate site inspection and make provisions for adequate safeguards for her house. So far Moira Panchayat has given her a deaf ear fortnight. This raised an element of doubt on Moira Panchayat whether it cares more for Delhi real-estate lobby all out to buy Goa off and care-a-dam for local people of Moira like that of Teacher Julia. Perhaps there is adequate palm greesing of the officials to facilitate blind eye to complaint raised by senior citizens like Teacher Julia. 

Additionally Teacher Julia has her 86 year old husband Joaquim C. D'souza to care for in the house in addition to her cat and fowls. Life has been tough for this lady who was active in consumer movement in Goa till recently. 

Though there is cross inscribed on top of her house local Church in Moira has been silent spectator and perhaps would even be delighted to see one arm of the Cross being crushed when machines puts its Jaws. House has been blessed by priests and one who sold as per available records is Sebastian Jeremeios D'souza.

Though Teacher Julia is at her house in Moira yet she no longer feels at home. She feels increasingly alienated and in desperation due to hostile developments around her house. This situation on what she is going through is known as Solastalgia - house no longer a home due to changes outside. She feels helpless as Aldona MLA Carlos Fereira in accessible inspite of contacting his office staff past several days. 

She has overwhelming sorrow and eyes full of tears to greet anyone visiting her house that once upon a time was a joyous home with her two Children. 

While law in place is in all support to Haryana/Delhi Trinity consisting of Amrit Mohinder Uttam, Naresh Paul and Arjun Manga who claims to hold Power of Attorney for Amrit Mahinder Uttam.

The Trinity is allowed by Moira Panchayat to construct housing project with swimming Pool.

All this 'development' has caused deep upheaval in the life of Teacher Julia D'souza. This post is an effort to listen to her side of story, her life narrative as a native from Goa versus the cunning real estate agents from Delhi and Haryana. She needs care, she needs empathy, she needs someone to listen to her story: amplify. So far she has received shocks and arrogance that is rude.

This post is meant to facilitate this process. Process of reclaiming what Goa is through listening, through communicating and most importantly to restore sanity and Tranquillity. 

The mode of development that Goa currently follows is colonial. Outright sale. Merchandise. Goa's latest coloniality can be dated back to 18 December 1961 when USSR exercised veto power at UN security council legitimizing Indian occupation of Goa in violation of International law. Subsequently coloniality strengthen its hold. Now what's happening in the life of Teacher Julia D'souza is strangulation through coloniality. We have arrived to this state through the hard work put in to brainwash people of Goa that we achieved liberation on 19 December 1961.

If 1961 was a liberation than there would have been no tears in the eyes of Teacher Julia D'souza. Something sinister happened then and we are harvesting its fruits. Tree can be known by its fruits. If 1961 was a liberation of Goa in true sense then there would have been no tears in the eyes of Teacher Julia D'souza in 2024, there would have been no sorrow in her heart. No way Uttam, Paul and Manga, and others like them would have been able to play havoc with Moira and rest of Goa.

Looking at the situation at hand it is suspected that neither Goa State Assembly nor Panchayat are existing to defend her. If these institutions cannot defend her, cannot heal her, cannot restore her lost dignity then for what purpose then need to exist? Isn't it ready proof of coloniality in action?

1 comment:

  1. Adv. Carlos Fereira in response to this story contacted Teacher Julia and offered her support. He studied her case and later organised press briefing. Here is the link to Video links

    Bharat Mukti Morcha appreciates Adv. Carlos Fereira's attention to Teacher Julia's case and his support to her.
