Saturday 21 September 2024

Objections to extend subsidy net to high capacity Outboard Motors and large sized cannoes in Goa

All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union

Date 17th September 2024


The Director,

Directorate of Fisheries, 

Panaji, Goa

Sub: Objections to extend subsidy net to high capacity Outboard Motors and large sized cannoes in Goa


It has come to our attention that your office through Superitendent of Fisheries is actively considering inclusion of canoes upto 42 ft and Out board motor upto 25 HP for Fisheries subsidies.

We attended to this on our Union agenda meeting held on 15th September 2024 and decided that upper limit for canoes should be capped at 38 ft and Outboard motor should be restricted to 08 HP due to sustainability factor. Outboard motors above 08 HP creates deafening sound that scare fish away. The that damage inflicted by cannoe used for illegal purse seine purpose is big and bigger cannoes will facilitate bigger fish catch in illegal operations that department of Fisheries hasn't been able to stop and in ushered in an era of fish famine in waters of rivers and Arabian Sea. Hence we oppose the department proposal as mentioned above for canoes and Outboard motors.

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely, 

Shaila D'mello


Laximan Mangueshkar


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