Wednesday 26 June 2024

Goa CM towards making Villages vulnerable to mining industry, but why?

Why Goa CM is so determined to make Goa villages vulnerable to mining industry?

Goa Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant is in Delhi on a mission rather sinister: to ask for the exception of application of provision (i) of the Office Memorandum dated 29 October 2014 issued by Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change dealing with safety of village roads from transportation of mineral ore that reads as follows:

"Transportation of the minerals by road passing through the village shall not be allowed. A 'bypass' road should be constructed (say, a leaving gap of at least 200 meters) for the purpose of the transportation of the minerals so that the impact of sound, dust and accident could be mitigated. The PP shall bear the cost towards widening and strengthening of existing public road network in case the same is proposed to be used for the project. No road movement should be allowed on existing village road network without appropriately increasing carrying capacity of such roads."

What Goa CM is proposing is very dangerous. He is challenging established environmental jurisprudence of India designed to defend village integrity from mining menace.

When he and the Project Proponent (PP) knew that there were no legal access roads that are available for the transportation of mineral iron ore in Pilgao and Mayem then it was wrong in the first place to go for the auctioning of the ore. It was double wrong to go for the public hearing by concealing this information in EIA report.

So the first wrong has been committed by Goa Government by going for auctioning of Bicholim Mineral Block I to Vedanta Private Limited without ready access road on ground.

The second wrong is committed by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change by granting Environmental Clearance without legal access road to transport extracted iron ore.

Under no circumstances villagers of Mayem and Pilgao and other villages should be put to risk by opening their village roads for transportation of minerals from any of the mining companies.

Office Memorandum provides safeguards from impact of sound, dust and accident. Goa CM is attempting in Delhi to make our villages vulnerable to the impact of sound, dust and accident from mining ore transportation. Goa has has lost far too many lives due to mining triggered accidents over the past decades and CM desires more blood and lives of people of Goa.

This CM Sawant is certaintly acting against village safety interests on behalf of mining industry. In fact he should be flung out of his chair much before any of the cabinet ministers like Govind Gawde.

Mining in Goa has roots in Portuguese colonial rule and has continued unabated after 18 December 1961 veto by Soviet Union at UN security council that allowed India to annex Goa through conquest. Mining is top most industry that has corrupted Goa's polity and Chief Minister is its highly corroded beneficiary. As a consequence he is unable to represent people of Goa inpite of elections and represents only mining industry that has enslaved Goa CM. Slave has no mind of his own but has to obey master's orders. Who is the master of Goa CM Sawant for whom he is behaving in this bizarre manner? Undoubtedly it's mining industry that rules his mind and he doesn't think twice before betraying people of Goa. Election is more of Commerce than anything else. Democracy is hijacked by mining industry.

It's mining industry that moves his gloves to Delhi to box out 29 October 2014 office Memorandum of MOEF&CC and make villages in Goa vulnerable to mining industry.

Call for braod alliance on Velsao fish mortality in Arabian Sea

AGSSRFU calls for broad alliance around Velsao fish mortality due to corporate negligence

All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union (AGSSRFU) decided to extent support and Solidarity with fishing communities of Velsao in South Goa who are opposing fish mortality in Arabian Sea at Velsao Beach due to release of poisonous chemicals in sea water from nearby ferlizer plant on nearby hill top.

Fishing Union took this decision to this effect on June 10, 2024 after Union representative of the carried on site visit to the Velsao beach on the same day when dead fish was abundant on northern stretch of Velsao beach.

AGSSRFU has also taken cognizance of various complaints on this topic lodged with various authorities in Goa. AGSSRFU was alerted with statements in press issued by the leadership of Goenche Fuldle Pidke Khatir (GFPK). GFPK statement was noted by Pradip Chaterjee, National Convenor of NPSSFW (National Platform for Small Scale Fish Workers) in Kolkata and directed AGSSRFU to examine the issue further.

Subsequently AGSSRFU noted primary complaint from an NGO Goencho Ekvott to Velsao Panchayat dated 27 May 2024 complaining about fish mortality.

We have also noted complaint filed by Goechea Ramponkaracho Ekvott (GRE) dated 28 May 2024 addressed to Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) and other authorities.

We have also noted video put out on this subject of fish mortality by Cortalim MLA Anton Vas online

AGSSRFU has also taken note of detail video interviews from local fishermen from Velsao named Aliston Pinto posted online and expresses support and Solidarity with him. Fertilizer plant Paradip Phosphate must be held accountable for the release of toxic liquid in Arabian Sea waters at Velsao Beach.

AGSSRFU considers decision to locate fertilizer factory on the hill is wrong ab initiao and time has arrived to correct past political mistake even though culprit is India's top business tycoon Birlas at who house M.K. Gandhi was shot dead in 1948.

Allocation of Sancoale hill top communidade land to Birlas was more of reward of war spoil after Soviet Veto power at United Security Council on 18 December 1961 handed over territory of Goa to India. Indian corporate house Birlas then considered pollution of Velsao waters as its patrimonial rights from 1975 onwards. AGSSRFU salutes all the hard work and toil carried on to combat this insult to Goa's fishing coast by Mathany Saldanha from 1975 onwards. 

AGSSRFU in this context calls for co-ordinated movement around fish mortality at Velsao Beach and request all the organisations involved including fishing organisations to start dialogue with each other to forge broad alliance with common minimum agenda of addressing marine water pollution and fish mortality from Paradeep Phosphate. AGSSRFU is committed to forge ahead this process. 

Shaila D'mello


Laximan Mangueshkar


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Call for advisory against fishing through use of bleaching powder

24 June 2024


The Director,

Department of Fisheries,

Panaji, Goa

Subject: Call to issue advisory against fishing through use of bleaching powder


It has come to our attention that during last two weeks of May 2024 several spots in Goa's fishing waters was subjected to fishing through use of bleaching powder. This is indeed very dangerous. 

Further our inquiries has revealed that such destructive fishing is being carried on every year during month of May. The observed consequence of such use of bleaching powder is not only instant death of fish but also fish forbidding of the spot of bleaching powder use for the entire year.

This was discussed at the meeting of All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union (AGSSRFU) held on 10 June 2024. It was decided to request the office of the Directorate of Fisheries to issue advisory against fishing through bleaching power application with wider publicity and notifications to all the fishing associations/co-operatives/Unions in the State of Goa.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Shaila D'mello


Laximan Mangueshkar


Monday 24 June 2024

Monsoon fishing ban violations

24 June 2024


The Superitendent of Police,

Coastal Security,

Panaji, Goa 


The Director,

Department of Fisheries,

Panaji, Goa


Captain of Ports,

Government of Goa,

Panaji, Goa

Subject: Five trawlers carried on illegal Mechanised fishing in Zuari river from 05 June 2024 to 23 June 2024 leading to serious violation of monsoon fishing ban and directions in WP 2844/23 at Goa Bench of Bombay High Court


This is to bring to your attention that mechanised fishing through trawl fishing gear was carried on inside Zuari river from 05 June 2024 to 23 June 2024 from 10.00 pm upto well beyond mid-night at 02.30 am.

Complaints against mechanised fishing are reported at fisheries department control room whenever phone was in working condition but proved futile as no action was known to have been taken against mechanised fishing in violation of law.

You are requested to take urgent note on this breach and introduce night patrolling at Zuari river immidiately.

Please treat this letter as an urgency and take necessary measures to prevent trawling in Zuari river as required by law.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Shaila D'mello


Laximan Mangueshkar


Copy to:

Chief Justice,

Goa Bench of Bombay High Court, Porvorim, Goa

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Sirigao Mining Public Hearing Tragedy

Today June 19, 2024. There was public hearing for Salgaocar mining project in Sirigao and Paira villages in Bicholim. Public Hearing was held near Zantye College, Bicholim.

Time allocated for each speaker was three minutes each. Project consultant was absent. Ramesh Gauns who was present and signed attendance sheet was not allowed to speak.

The way things have unfolded today points towards colonial character of the administration that is designed to silence public voices, stiffle dissent, loot Goa's Minerals infinitely, support mining scam permanently, democracy as facade. All these are fruits of Soviet Veto of 18 December 1961 at UN security council that allowed India to do in Goa all it did in Goa's mining belt including 35,000 crore unrecovered loot from mining companies and politicians.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Is Goa Government backstabbing Goa's fishing communities?

08 June 2024

Is Goa Government backstabbing Goa's fishing communities?

All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union (AGSSRFU) strongly condemns statements of the organizers of International Boat exhibition in Panjim that resistence to install Marina at Nauxim is because of misunderstanding.

Yacht and other luxury promoters has given their views online at  where in it is spoken that they are collaborating with Government of Goa to set up Marinas at various Ports and Jetties as a part of blue economy boosting. Is Goa Government backstabbing Goa's traditional small scale fishing communities?

AGSSRFU views this exhibition as a major move to expell fishing based livelihoods from Goa and conquest of Goa's coast for luxury tourism purposes. 

Boats exhibition promoters must understand that the resistence to Marina at Nauxim is about to complete 14 years coming October and is based on sound understanding of the lease deed between Mormugao Port Trust (MPT) and Mumbai based Kargwal Constructions Private Limited for Nauxim as well as lease deed between MPT and Chowgules for Sancoale wherein fishing activities at Zuari river is not even acknowledged. The marina lease deed is primarily biased against Goa's fishing communities involved in fishing based livelihoods in Zuari river.

Moreover destruction of fishing in Zuari river is conclusively stated in EIA report itself that Kargwal Constructions Private Limited got done through Chennai based Annamalai University that indicated that Marina at Nauxim will have Long term irreversible negative impact on Fisheries. Marina project proposal at Nauxim involves reclamation of 50,000 square meters of riverfront off Nauxim Beach for Marina infrastructure thereby completely destroying small scale fishing activities. This is an act of ecocide and major violation of International fishing law that India is a signatory to: VG-SSF Guidelines. It's an aggression par excellence.

The narrative of International boat exhibition promoters that Marina and fishing can go simultaneously is merely hot air released to misguide people of Goa.

AGSSRFU views attempts at pushing Marina at Nauxim as an act of expulsion of fishing communities through conquest of Zuari river coast. AGSSRFU is committed to defend Goa's rivers and coastal areas from these and all other blue grabbers and calls upon people of Goa to actively join the resistence movement against Marina that has history of nearly 14 years.

AGSSRFU has already filed its objections before Goa Government authorities against Marinas.

It is also revealed from the online video that blue grab is not restricted to Nauxim Marina alone but has declared its intention to spread wide for these vested interests are determined to destroy Goa marine based economy of small scale fishing communities. AGSSRFU will continue to resist and defend Goa's coastal and riparian banks from luxury tourism escapades. AGSSRFU has already objected to water sports activities in Zuari river, Off shore casinos and water sports activities in Mandovi river, Water sports in Arabian Sea off Caranzalem coast as well as Blue Flag proposal of tourism Department for Siridao beach due to negative effects on fishing activities carried on by small scale fishing communities.

In the meantime AGSSRFU is deeply concerned about the dangerous situation that has arisen due to leakage of chemicals from Paradeep Phosphates in Velsao Beach from 24 May 2024 causing significant fish mortality and irreversible damage to marine ecology threatening livelihood of 400 fishing families in South Goa. 

In order to meet these challenges to livelihoods of small scale fishing communities in Goa AGSSRFU calls for collaborations at various levels with various civil organisations for synergistic power and impact.

Shaila D'mello


Laximan Mangueshkar,


Thursday 6 June 2024

Open letter to Shankar Polji on mining and sand mining in Goa

06 June 2024

Dear Shankar Polgi,

We admired your videos all along held you in high esteem. Your videos always defended Goa's environment. And was so inspiring. However your recent video calling for resumption of sand mining and open cast mining in Goa left us bewildered. 

You must investigate how many people are deprived of their livelihoods due to mining in Goa for the past several decades when it went on. People were working in agriculture and horticulture were left unemployed. Their paddy fields destroyed.

In fact till today even though government has allowed mining to resume for Vedanta onground protests of villagers in Pilgao hasn't allowed single truck of ore to come out on road to load in Jetty. Go and meet the Sarpanch of Pilgao, the inspiring lady.

You know amount of damage mining has created to our Forest in Goa? Go and meet Rama Velip in Colomba.

You know how mining has contributed towards regular flooding of Bicholim and pollution of Bicholim River? Go and meet Ramesh Gauns  in Bicholim.

You know why villagers want their villages defended from predatory mining industry? Go and meet Ravindra Velip in Cavrem.

If you want know how mining has destroyed fertile agricultural land and displaced the village multiple times over the past half century then meet Hanuman Parab in Pissurlem.

If you want to know how how mining industry is threatening to destroy 223 houses in Mulgao and how mining has already destroyed village lakes and agriculture then meet Swapnesh Sherlekar.

If you want to know how to keep village permanently safe from mining onslaught and keep village economy thriving without mining then meet Ulhas Gaonkar from Morpirla.

If you want to know the murderous nature mining industry that launches physical attacks of those who speak out the truth then you must meet Nilesh Gaonkar from Cavrem.

If you want to know how Goa Government is looted by mining industry by corporate gangs then you must meet Captain Viriato Fernandes who is now elected MP South Goa and whom who supported in Rakhandar attire video during election campaigh last month.

If you want to know as to how revenue from mining is sought to be hijacked away from District Mineral Trust Fund of Goa Government then you must meet Wency Mendes.

If you want to learn to question non-implimentation of Justice Shah Commission  report of Goa mining that pointed out loot of Rs.35,000 crore then you must must meet me for sure.

If you want to know as to what provoked Goa Foundation to get into prolonged litigations leading to close down of mining and cancelation of mining leases in Goa then you must meet Dr. Claude Alvares.

If you want to know as to how entire village cashew economy was destroyed by mining industry and village water table disrupted then you must meet Shamsunder Naik of Advalpal village.

If you want to know the struggle as to how entire village paddy fields are deposited with silt layer of meter and half and all the 73 village wells went dry then you must meet Adv Dinanath Gaonkar of Sirigao. 

If you want to know how goons are used against those who dissent then go and meet Rajendra Kerkar at his village of Keri. He along with Prerna Singh Bindra was detain at Fomento Mines by company bouncers. Listen to his story as how he got freed then.

And regarding Sand mining please check marine effect of the trade, effect of fish, crabs to whom sandy riverbed is home and is disrupted by sand mining. Check the effects on river banks that can collapse and villages can get washed into the rivers.

You must also remember that both Sand mining as well as open cast iron ore and Manganese mining was stopped through Court directions. Goa Government in fact supported then all along with all the backing. Your point about corruption at Patradevi check post is well taken and must be true considering nature of system that is perennially corrupt.

I am sharing this for your considered attention with request to reflect on these aspects.

Warm regards,

Dr. S.A.Rodrigues