Sunday 15 September 2024

All roads leads to Moira! See the Traditional House before its wiped off!

This is the house in Maroon and yellow with white cross exalted high above is must place to visit to get glimpse of it before it gets wiped away from the land of Moira. 

Teacher Julia D'souza, 78 is going through sleepless moments contemplating prospects of life when her house and home is placed under Delhi and Haryana real estate threats. She is at her house and used to feel at home. This changed all of sudden when Delhi capital found its way in Moira to mess things up for her and her family.

The house is located at Sataporio, Moira and  Delhi real estate agents has already started cutting down the trees she held dear. To make matters worse she realized that portion of the sold land has her house wall as boundary and half the house can be pulled down any moment.

There is some kind of Trinity of unholy nature that has combined on record to buy off the 675 square meters of land constituting survey no. 154/7. Julia worried about the fate of her house where in she has invested so much of her finances to repair the roof, and importantly her emotions.

Julia filed complaint before Village Panchayat of Moira on 02 September 2024 calling for urgent site inpection addressing the letter to Sarpanch/Secretary. In her complaint she called for immidiate site inspection and make provisions for adequate safeguards for her house. So far Moira Panchayat has given her a deaf ear fortnight. This raised an element of doubt on Moira Panchayat whether it cares more for Delhi real-estate lobby all out to buy Goa off and care-a-dam for local people of Moira like that of Teacher Julia. Perhaps there is adequate palm greesing of the officials to facilitate blind eye to complaint raised by senior citizens like Teacher Julia. 

Additionally Teacher Julia has her 86 year old husband Joaquim C. D'souza to care for in the house in addition to her cat and fowls. Life has been tough for this lady who was active in consumer movement in Goa till recently. 

Though there is cross inscribed on top of her house local Church in Moira has been silent spectator and perhaps would even be delighted to see one arm of the Cross being crushed when machines puts its Jaws. House has been blessed by priests and one who sold as per available records is Sebastian Jeremeios D'souza.

Though Teacher Julia is at her house in Moira yet she no longer feels at home. She feels increasingly alienated and in desperation due to hostile developments around her house. This situation on what she is going through is known as Solastalgia. She feels helpless as [.......] She has overwhelming sorrow and eyes full of tears to greet anyone visiting her house that once upon a time was a joyous home with her two Children. 

While law in place is in all support to Haryana/Delhi Trinity consisting of Amrit Mohinder Uttam, Naresh Paul and Arjun Manga who claims to hold Power of Attorney for Amrit Mahinder Uttam.

The Trinity is allowed by Moira Panchayat to construct housing project with swimming Pool.

All this 'development' has caused deep upheaval in the life of Teacher Julia D'souza. This post is an effort to listen to her side of story, her life narrative as a native from Goa versus the cunning real estate agents from Delhi and Haryana. She needs care, she needs empathy, she needs someone to listen to her story: amplify. So far she has received shocks and arrogance that is rude.

This post is meant to facilitate this process. Process of reclaiming what Goa is through listening, through communicating and most importantly to restore sanity and Tranquillity. 

The mode of development that Goa currently follows is colonial. Outright sale. Merchandise. Goa's latest coloniality can be dated back to 18 December 1961 when USSR exercised veto power at UN security council legitimizing Indian occupation of Goa in violation of International law. Subsequently coloniality strengthen its hold. Now what's happening in the life of Teacher Julia D'souza is strangulation through coloniality. We have arrived to this state through the hard work put in to brainwash people of Goa that we achieved liberation on 19 December 1961.

If 1961 was a liberation than there would have been no tears in the eyes of Teacher Julia D'souza. Something sinister happened then and we are harvesting its fruits. Tree can be known by its fruits. If 1961 was a liberation of Goa in true sense then there would have been no tears in the eyes of Teacher Julia D'souza in 2024, there would have been no sorrow in her heart. No way Uttam, Paul and Manga, and others like them would have been able to play havoc with Moira and rest of Goa.

Looking at the situation at hand it is suspected that neither Goa State Assembly nor Panchayat are existing to defend her. If these institutions cannot defend her, cannot heal her, cannot restore her lost dignity then for what purpose then need to exist? Isn't it ready proof of coloniality in action?

Friday 13 September 2024

Sprinter Completes His Marathon: Tribute to Anthony Veronica Fernandes

 (Picture from his Facebook page)

Anthony Veronica Fernandes was to me sprinter first, footballer second, Tiatr critic third, Konkani lover fourth, family man fifth, freedom fighter for Kuwait sixth, freedom lover for Goa seventh, fearless journalist eight, defender of senior citizen's rights ninth, publisher tenth, able bussiness administrator and an activist of global stature eleventh though always not in this sequence. He died on 12 September 2024 in Candolim, Goa. 

Candle of Justice burned bright in his heart throughout. He was a sprinter in his school days at Arpora in relays and extended his sprints into marathon of time to finish it off solo. He possesed extremely generous heart and I have been the beneficiary of his kindness on few occasions. He found his way through in acknowledgement page of my doctorate and I remain grateful to him.

I first got to know him post Gulf War period in early 1990 when he put together formidable network of support: Kuwait Goan Solidarity Centre with Roland Martins animating the process in Goa. After US attacked invading Iraqi troops in Kuwait and then went back Anthony was happy man and sad at the same time. He would express his dilemma often driving home core values of liberation. US invaded Kuwait drove away Iraqi troops returned Kuwait to Kuwaitis. That wasn't done in case of Goa. India attacked Portuguese in Goa but never left Goa after driving Portuguese way. They replaced Portuguese: annexed through conquest. Anthony Veronica was heartbroken at the unfolding tragedy in front of his eyes. He once told me "we are in hopeless situation."

His passion for Goa was as intense as his love for Goa. The two combining in person of Fr. Chico Monteiro, his fellow villager from Camdolim. Anthony Veronica described himself as "Pet" of Fr. Monteiro sharing very close affectionate relationship as a child. On that fateful day when Indian forces made their ways to arrest Fr. Monteiro at his Candolim residence Anthony Veronica resisted the police. However Fr. Monteiro pacified Anthony Veronica with an assurance that truth shall prevail and he shall face his trial in prisons in Goa as well as in Patiala, Punjab. The close friendship between these two allowed percolating of information on the cruel tortures that Fr. Monteiro was subjected to in Patiala prison being put on trial for asserting his Portuguse nationality and his right to reside in Goa which is his home. His trial never got concluded and Fr. Monteiro was released from Patiala jail in an international deal that includes Portugal releasing two people from India Dr.Telu Mascarenhas from Colvale and Mohan Ranade from Pune. India called them Freedom fighters. Portugal had imprisoned as terrorists. Fr. Monteiro shared graphic details as to how dreaded criminals in Patiala jail were released on to him during meal times and let loose to torture him in most inhuman manner: excrating in Fr. Monteiro's food plate. He beared all this and shared his memories with Anthony Veronica being close friend and fellow villager, fellow footballer-in-arms.

Anthony Veronica was heart broken when Fr. Chico Monteiro died. Anthony Veronica was one amongst them who shouldered Fr. Monteiro's coffin on his funeral day. Candolim Parish Priest was furious at this and scolded Anthony Veronica. Anthony Veronica - whom controversies never left for a day - shouted back at the Parish Priest " I will bang the coffin on your head!" stunned Parish Priest went away from the path of mighty sprinter.

Anthony Veronica always stood up for truth. He wrote fearlessly against politicians, tiatrists and even against clergy. He kept the flag of Justice flying high and raised the standard with his every piece of writing.

I connected later on in 2008 while mining agitation was at its peak. Anthony Veronica joined the meeting at Prema building in Flat that was allowed to be used to conduct meetings of mining affected people, courtesy Adv. Albertina Almeida. At the meeting in June 2008 where he came over to support the movement in defence of ecology from mining predators I spoke to him first informing him that it was great meeting him yet again after Kuwait post war agitation of 1990 that he led. He expressed his regret for not remembering me in a style unique to him "with a folded hands, I apologize!" We connected and then disconnected for another decade.

Then sometime around 2015 I saw message on his Facebook page that he is threatened by some South Goa Tiatrists. I called him to know and then then collaborated almost for half a decade on range of issues. He became very good friend of my wife Margarida Silveira till her death in 2021. He got her to speak at one of the meetings commemorating Kuwait Liberation. After her death he would often burst out in tears recounting her memories, something I couldn't handle as I too was in the process of bereavement and mybemotions raw. I stopped visiting him past few years. He often commended her for courage and daring way of going about in life specially tackling might of clergy and politicians with ease. He often invited us to his Candolim residence and we as families would share some time together.

Anthony Veronica shared his love story too with us. How he was mesmerized my girl from Calangute singing Mando at Mando Festival in Panjim. How he pursued her and married her. He remained strong in his marriage. Fatima supported him at every stage of his life, stayed with him at every controversy and threat that came by his side. Anthony Veronica story is indeed incomplete without acknowledging the stellar role Fatima played in his life and risked life together often. Fatima has been support of immense value in days he wasn't as agile and as athletic in his moves as he was during his days on football ground.

Anthony Veronica commemorated Libration of Kuwait from Iraq invasion for 27 long years. Often Kuwaiti Sheikh attended these functions in Kuwait as well as in Goa. I have witnessed it once too. He was signaling number of indicators through this marathon focus on Kuwait. He was expressing his gratitude for his family prosperity and prosperity of many Goan families due to greener pasture openings in Kuwait. He was in celebration and jubilation that Kuwait is free again. He was driving hard message at Kuwaiti Sheikhs that the people of Goa assisted them personally and politically at the most difficult moments of their history. He was making a point as to what the meaning of Liberation is and deepening his yearnings for Liberation of Goa from current annexure through conquest status.

Anthony Veronica worked hard in Kuwait. He worked in single company that manufactured luxury yachts and exported world over (yet never hesitated to oppose Marina at Nauxim!). He was company's prized employee and sought to be awarded even more after his demonstrated loyalty to Kuwait during war times. He expressed gratitude to government of Kuwait and declined any personal benefits from Government of Kuwait. His only public pleading before the Kuwaiti authorities has been "always keep the doors open for my fellow Goans to come and work in Kuwait!". This pushed him on morally high. He refused personal rewards and took adorned the role as Ambassador of Goa to Kuwait not by any formal appointment but by sheer hard work and character of a leader.

His leadership talents that shone through during Gulf War were immense. He took upon himself to mobilize global political support upon himself. He flew from Kuwait to New Delhi, met leadership of Non-Aligned Movement and urged the nation's to stand in support of Kuwait.

One more fact about Anthony Veronica calls our attention. He confronted J.R.D. Tata face to face in early 1970s when the corporate was constructing Taj Holidays village five star hotel at Sinquerim. He wanted that the hotel must provide jobs to the local people. Corporate did not like his daring confrontation with the Tata empire founder. Anthony Veronica sensed the tension and risks that has come about and started his life focused in Kuwait.

Even though he was physically present in Kuwait his heart was in Goa, with people of Goa struggling both in Goa and Kuwait. He raised over Rs.5 lakh during Konkani agitation,  then several lakh to start Cancer hospital in Goa. In both the instances he met with disappointments. In the case of Konkani movement funding he was given no account of how money was spent, suspicion of corruption persisted. In case of Goa Cancer hospital project; got hijacked and Manipal Hospital inserted instead in its place.

Anthony Veronica remained on board of directors of Hotel Goan Heritage at Calangute for many years. This is the hotel that was taken to the Court by Goa Foundation for violation of CRZ laws. Anthony Veronica and the board stood the grounds and won the case on the basis that it was constructed before CRZ laws were enacted. He believed in cultivating entrepreneurship amongst Goans and led with personal example. Hotel Goan Heritage then became the favored destination where he shared quality time with his wide circle of friends.

In 2016 he published his book "From coconut trees to oil fields" and I had privilege of reviewing that book ( ). In addition he wrote regularly online at his blog

One look at his blog sends message loud and clear: No plans in this revolution is meant for retreat!

What could be the adequate tribute to Anthony Veronica Fernandes? We need to labour collectively for an answer.

For the moment let's join to offer our support and consolation to his wife Fatima, daughter Avisha and her family and his son Ashton and his family at this moment of loss and sorrow. Goa was privileged to hold Anthony Veronica to bosom while he lived his earthly live. And Goa is proud to pick up on legacy of courage daring that Anthony Veronica has kept us to tred upon, step by step.

May his soul rest in eternal Peace.

Sebastian Rodrigues

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Cellular Radiation: Case For Air As Commons

From 27 to 29 August 2024 I had unique opportunity to participate and represent NPSSFW in Commons Convening 2024. The meet was re-inforcing Ostromian idea on Commons. People from various parts of India - around  500 - participated in the three day event at Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi.

I did participate in number of sessions and interevined on the issues connected to water and fishing as that being my priority areas of interest. 

There was however one intervention that I made that was departure from conventional notions of Commons. I stressed on Air as Commons in the light of various threats to air from variety of polluting sources. There was just one mention of Air as Commons in the first plenary session and that was from Jisudan Disari of Koraput, Odisha who is resisting bauxite mining. 

The question I raised at a session on media: there is lots of emphasis on Water, Forest and Land ( Jal, Jungle, Jameen) as aspects of Commons, and no focus on air as common, why is it so? I work with fishing communities in Goa and in 2014 fishing communities led by Rohidas Andrade on the banks of Zuari river at Bambolim carried on early-dawn interception of cellular tower insertion in the village. They feared that mobile tower radiation might affect the health of people adversely in long term. They passed on me the documents they procured from the private company to study. That got me into new dimension of involvement: cellular radiation. 

Ever since this incident Public health concerns expressed by public health gradually increased. Several places in Goa witnessed resistance to cellar radiation. Mobile tower at Kurdiwada, Kandola belonging to Reliance was uprooted after complaints to the authorities like Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) in 2019. Eversince that momentous victory to people and setback to cellular empire Goa Government moved to axe out GSPCB from Jurisdiction over cellular radiation. This is clear sign of cellular short-circuit of public accountability. 

On February 08, 2024 meeting of North Goa Distric level Telecom Committee chaired by the Magistrate and Collector (North Goa) Sneha Gitte every public deposition included public health concern raised; from Guirim, Cumbharjua, Siridao, Morlem, Naveli- Divar.

Internationally September 07 is observed as day against air pollution and Goa Government has remained oblivious to the threat of radiation transmissions through air causing damage to various life forms. In fact Goa's Telecom and infrastructure policy 2020 and subsequent ammendments are brutal: it stripped off GSPCB out of Jurisdiction over mobile tower  complaints. Needless to say that Goa Government has been taken over by vested interests connected to cellular industry that are all out to strengthen digitality at the cost of Public Health in Goa. This is indeed unfortunate development and needs to be resisted strongly.

Air as Commons needs to be asserted powerfully. Even radiation is invisible to plain eye increasing publishing of scientific study world wide points out to dangerous consequences of cellular radiation. What is promoted as convenience has surreptiosly transformed into Public Health nightmare. Several deaths are already reported of people in houses close to the mobile tower installations in Goa and are even identified by medical doctors.

Yes authorities in Goa are masked with deafening silence of this menace. Mobile towers are being installed even closer to schools where children study. Kudos to vigilant parents at Morlem Colony at Sattari for speaking out on the subject inspite of all the Rane might. Similarly deep appreciation to several people raising their voices in South Goa - Curtorim, Navelim and more even though South Goa Distric Telecom Committee has been kept in paralyzed state to let mushrooming of cellular towers and stifling of dissenting voices.

Media too needs to be pro-active in investigating cellular radiation in Goa and beyond intercepting public authorities on regular bases. 

Silence is certainly dangerous in this situation as is destined to cause death of air as Commons. We must rise up now in defence of air or else life might perpetuate with deformed heir.

This cellular nightmare of Goa in being perpetuated by Government of India who annexed Goa through conquest in 1961 following Soviet Veto at UN security Council. This act supplied Indian IAS officers like Sneha Gitte to comment as irresponsible as she did on February 08, 2024 "My house is surrounded by three mobile towers and am healthy!" This is the state of affairs of Goa post 1961 conquest that we a are brainwashed to believe as Liberation. I had suggested weekly monitoring of studies on cellular radiation globally to take precautionary measure. The suggestion has not even found its way in the minutes but has been picked up by birds in the air who fear for their lives even though they have no vote, no money. Cruel mockery is being played upon. Daylight dacoity is being waged on our Public Health, On fate of every life form. This is India of our times. Cry my beloved, sorrowing lies my land, amidst the proliferating cellular lies.

Sebastian Rodrigues

Thursday 5 September 2024

Report From Karnataka Coast

Report from Karnataka coast

On 02 September 2024 I had a unique privilege of visiting two coastal districts of Karnataka - Mangalore and Udupi to meet and exchange views with small scale fishing communities on behalf of NPSSFW. These are some of my observations after the visit about the status of Marine SSF communities.

Shobendra and Naguesh organised meetings at two places. In Mangalore district it was in the village of Sashihitlu while in Udupi district it was in middle of the villages of Kadipatna and Nadipatna.

Something that came very strongly to the fore during conversations at both the meetings is about fish famine in Arabian Sea. Fishers have gone empty handed with regard to the fish catch from April 2024 upto the day of meeting. Large scale fisheries that consists of LED fishing, trawling and bull trawling has triggered sharp depletion of fish on Karnataka coast. Dissatisfaction amongst fishers is increasing. State Government of Karnataka has been tacitly supporting large scale fishing vessels including fishing gears like LED that are outlawed. Bull trawling is rampant and traps even the juvenile fish of two inches size. To call this situation a disaster won't be an understatement. 

Second issue that came up at the meeting is about sharp cuts in fuel supply to small scale fishers (SSF). Coupled with this is increase in kerosene rate from Rs.35/- per litre to Rs.57/- per litre. These two factors has hit hard and placed question marks over fishing as livelihood option. Kerosene is supplied by Food department of Karnataka.

On the border of Udupi and Mangalore districts at the coast is meeting point of two rivers- Shambhavi and Nandini. It is at this point there is significant erosion of coastal land covering distance of nearly three kilometers. Soil has been washed away and sea has deposited sand into the opened up interiors. This has affected fishing communities locally at Sashihitlu village triggering variety of complications. 

The fourth issue that was raised at the meetings is about fish ban period for large scale fisheries in Karnataka that was reduced from 90 days to 60 days. It was advantageous for small scale fishers when the ban period was of 90 days. Small scale fishers would get good price and their livelihoos was comfortable as full month of August there was no competition with trawlers on fish supply. With 60 days ban SSF lost their economic advantage. Moreover they don't get any compensation during fish ban period.

Current weather is rather unusual. Sea is rough. SSF are not able to brave and venture out in waters for fishing. Trawlers, Purse seiners go out, use LED, engage in bull trawling and get fish catch. SSF gets nothing.

Sashihitlu was selected for development of Fisheries under National model scheme. It was sanctioned 7 crores of Rupees. Out of which Central government was to contribute 4 crore while State government 3 crore. Out of this fund portion of Jetty was constructed along with shelter for keeping fishing nets. However Jetty is too small and cannot accommodate all the cannoes. It is in need of urgent expansion.

There were few more problems faced by SSF were raised. Our of them was reluctance of banks to sanction loans to SSF.

Local fishers were very articulate and pitched for coastal alliance of SSF on the entire coastline of Arabian Sea from Kerala to Gujarat.

Discussion were also held on need to form Union of SSF and needed steps in this directions.

Sebastian Rodrigues,

National Council Member,


Sunday 1 September 2024

Objections to CM's Advocacy For Marina at Nauxim

AGSSRFU objects to Goa CM advocacy for Marina at Nauxim

All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union (AGSSRFU) strongly objects to Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant's latest statement advocating the cause of Marina at Nauxim that is detrimental to the fishing communities of Zuari river.  

His repeated advocacy for Nauxim Marina projects him as am unofficial PRO of Kargwal Constructions Private Limited even though he is official CM of Goa. Dr. Sawant's latest claims that Marina will create jobs for Goans is another such misleading information that hides the fact about hundreds of people and families engaged in fishing at Zuari river will be expelled from the waters. CM must study EIA report of Nauxim Marina that has noted that Marina will have Long term irreversible negative impact on Fisheries.

AGSSRFU calls upon Goa Chief Minister to stop advocacy for Nauxim Marina, get the Marina lease deed canceled and create security of tenure for fishing in Zuari and all other waters in Goa. This will be much better appreciable engagement for the Goa Chief Minister on Nauxim Marina rather than his current empty rantings.

Shaila D'mello


Laximan Mangueshkar,
