Saturday 31 August 2024

Nauxim Marina: Goa CM As Enemy Of Fishing Communities

Nauxim Marina: Why Goa CM Sawant has turned into an enemy of fishing communities of Goa?

Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant functions totally in unscientific way even though he claims to be medical doctor. His irrational ways of functioning stands our clearly with regard to his repeated statements advocating Marina at Nauxim for the filthy rich in Zuari river inspite of its EIA report clearly stating that Marina will cause irreversible, long term, negative impact on Fisheries of Zuari river that provides jobs to hundreds of people.

And yet two days ago he has claimed that Marina is required at Nauxim to provide jobs to Goans.

Policies of Goa Government has taken over tribal lands for Goa University depriving local villagers of Cacra, Odxel, Nauxim from carrying on vegetable cultivation. People were promised Jobs then too. To get job in the University even of the lowest ranks one has to bribe heavily. As a result local Goans of these villages stands no chance of jobs. Even existing jobs are taken away and multi-tasking staff episode of Goa University is an excellent example. 

To add insult to the injury Goa Universty releases its sewerage into Cacra village and Zuari river by installing defective STP on the campus. All this is supervised by Goa Chief Minister who is also education Minister of Goa.

Release of sewerage into river waters has drastically changed marine environment for the worst. Goa Government through its acts is decidedly committed to destroy Goa's marine eco-systems. Casinos in Mandovi and disgusting activities there is what fetches funds to political parties and sewage into Mandovi. Goa is being gambled away and this must reverse.

Goa Medical College was set up at Bambolim with promises of Jobs for locals. Currently five kadamba buses ferry its staff from Sattari due to Vishwajit Rane's lopsided policies of allocating GMC jobs to his voters in Sattari.

Local people of Bambolim are deprived of their land and the jobs too.

Now the same con game is sought to be extended to take over direct possession of fishing spaces in Zuari river. To hand over this river for luxury tourism and deprive small-scale fishing communities of their self-employment. Depriving fishing communities of their livelihoods by installing marinas is a criminal act and this intention is occupying mind and heart of the Goa Chief Minister. 

One can only imagine as to how much he and his BJP must have been fueled up to utter regular mouthful of thrash saying Marina is needed to create jobs for Goans.

The culprit of this attempted derivation of fishing communities of Zuari river is Government of India through its Ministry of Shipping, National Waterways and Port under whose Jurisduction MPT/ MPA functions. It's MPT that has leased out Zuari river to Kargwal Constructions Private Limited for 30 years in 2010 and Goa Chief Minister by supporting Marina at Nauxim has evidentiary placed himself as an enemy of self-employed small-scale fishing communities of Goa.

It's upto Goa CM as to decide as to how long he wants to be in the enemy camp and foster upheaval and unrest in the troubled waters. Fishing communities will navigate through all the hurdles placed by Goa Chief Minister Sawant.

India's Ministry of Ports is destroying several coastal spaces in India- Mumbai though JNPT/JNPA, Vizhimgam through Adani in Kerala, Wadhvan in Maharashtra, Honnavar in Karnataka, Vishakapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and several more coastal places. Its flagship project Sagarmala is a Garland of costal destruction of ecology and economy of small-scale fishing communities. Destruction and disruption of Indian coast is being done through various agents. Goa's Chief Minister Sawant who advocates Marina at Nauxim and is one such destroyer of Goa's coast and our fishing based livelihoods.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

When the dead raise their voices...

 When the dead raise their voice...

It's Goa's environment Ministry that is facilitating take over of paddy fields of Divar Island for Mangroves cultivation. It has called for inspection of site on 28 August 2024 at 11.00 am.

Environment Ministry of BJP government in Goa is headed by Alexio Sequira who never got elected as BJP MLA. He is in BJP thanks to horse trading after getting elected as Congress MLA from Nuvem. The process is essentially fraud and betrayal of open public trust. He has sold his soul and he can sell anything else, Divar, Vanxim, St. Estevam, Chorao and even whole of Goa!

Same is the case with Cumbharjua MLA Rajesh Faldesai. He was elected as Congress MLA and sold himself to BJP. He can sell anything and everyone. He has given enough donations to churches and chapels, temples and clubs. He can cut hands of Old Goa Panch and he can cheat Ambar Timblo. This monster canaflouges well as Philanteopist. He give ten thousand and robs ten crores. No one can beat him for he is the best and the brave!

And who funded BJP to buy MLAS in dozens? Surely there is no rocket science involved. Corporates into real estates who financed Divar Bonderam can certainly be counted in for this nefarious act to ruin Goa.

Carefully look at the Mangroves trajectory indicates certain pattern: stop paddy cultivation. Allow Mangroves to grow in. Then put debris on top of the Mangroves. Then use the reclaimed land for real estate purpose. This is the case of Mangroves around Panjim, Santa Cruz, Merces and Taleigao.

Mangroves that grew in Paddy fields at Chorao Island in Mandovi river were taken over by Forest department and declared Salim Ali Wild life Sanctuary.

In both the cases agriculture suffered; creating the dangerous situation of food insecurity.

The instance of Mangroves in Vanxim Island in Mandovi too needs attention. Major portion of the island consists of paddy fields. In 1990s these khazan land embankment were deliberately opened up by few unscrupulous elements flooding paddy fields and starting prawns farming. The project failed. And so paddy fields failed. Office of Goa Archbishop sold the paddy fields and embankment of Khazan lands of area over 5 lakh square meters to Mahendra Gaunekar. Food insecurity abounds. From food surplus island it turned into food deficient after paddy cultivation was disrupted.

Litigations were started by Mahendra Gaunekar against Vanxim tenants. Negative declarations were forced upon saying that they never cultivated the paddy fields and their names are entered on land records of revenue department by mistake. The names were deleted. Mahendra Gaunekar's name was entered in. After few years Mahendra Gaunekar executed sale deed and Ozone Leisure Private Limited entered in land records. Few however refused to give in. Maggie Silveira fought valiantly. Today she rests in grave at Vanxim cementry. Her voice thunders even today for the voice of the dead one shall rise, Vanxim ancestors will awake. Vanxim protector is in rage. This time it's Pramod Sawant, Rajesh Faldesai, and all those who played mischief at the St. Mathias Panchayat asking for the bridge to be conduit for corporate expansion.

Vanxim is attempted to be looted over 25 years right from 1998. The bridge proposed is not for the love Vanxim people. It's for the benefit of the corporate who has taken over Vanxim paddy fields thanks to corruption in the office of the Goa Archbishop. Until Vanxim lands are taken back from the corporate control and ownership people of Vanxim are not safe. 

Virus of corruption has originated at Altinho, Panjim where this office is located and has spread rapidly everywhere else too. This virus of corruption shall be combated tooth and nail.

The spirit and legacy of combat that Maggie has left for us will pick up the torn flag even in rags and march against monsters on their face.

It's no longer issue of Vanxim. Corporate assaults are planned additionally on Divar, Malar, St. Estevam, Cumbharjua. There are corporates lined up: Third eye vision, Rajdeep builders, Vianaar and more. 

Let's all move as single fist, formidable team. Time to tame all the corporate beasts preying our islands.

Let's not allow BJP-corporate gangs to snatch away our land. Our Peace.

Let's move step by step, in style.

The battle is not just about our islands. It's battle about Goa. Betrayal of Goa's leadership in 1961 in accepting decision of Soviet Veto power exercised over Goa on 18 December 1961 is the culprit. It is for thus reason today Facebook is full of lust and greedy video advertisement ro sell Goa's land to wealthy buyers from outside Goa.

It is urgent that we push hard for inclusion of Goa Veto day 18 December on the table of discussion to forge future full of hope for Goa of tomorrow, combat corporate combat lasting for our land.

Information has just trikled in that Colva Church lands too are our for sale. We need to protest. And we need to protest against Soviet Veto on Goa that put Goa for sale after brainwashing everyone as Liberation. How long truth will remain buried under the carpet?

Monday 26 August 2024

Should paddy fields be deliberately conversted into Mangrove Forest

Should paddy fields be deliberately converted into Mangrove forest?

Latest developments on Divar Island compels us all to ask this question.

15 acres of paddy fields within the Jurisdiction of Goltim-Navelim panchayat are sought by Pune based NGO known as FORREST. Sight inspection is fixed for 28 August 2024.

Those with legal entitlement to the land survey numbers mentioned in Panchayat notice hasn't even been consulted at all on the matter. Yet Panchayat felt it fit to issue notice of site inpection dated 09 August 2024 for verification on 28 August 2024 at 11.00 am.

If Panchayat and FORREST has their way to plant Mangroves in paddy fields then it would lead to dramatic legal as well as ecological changes. Legally Jurisdiction of the paddy fields will be shiring from revenue department to forest department. That will be the begining of pressure on people to evict - though gradually. Mangroves in paddy fields covering 15 acres will also create food security issues. The wisdom of the local Panchayat even to consider application from FORREST needs to be examined. Why is it the case that Panchayat headed never considered revival of paddy fields for rice plantation? 

Conservation as is seen from development in Goltim - Navelim is taking the form of green colonialism and urgent anti-colonial steps are needed. If steps are not initiated on time then pressure on Island people will increase. Life under forest regime in India is life of enslavement and it must be rejected lock, stock and barrel.

It's FORREST in Divar Island, it's Third eye vision in St. Estevam, It's Bridge to facilitate luxury tourism in Vanxim, all the islands in Mandovi are being chewed up. It's time now for all the island people to forge joint action and plan of understanding to launch movement to reclaim all the islands from all the preying vested interests.

Goa CM and Cumbharjua MLA on bonderam day has already blown trumpet. It is for us islanders and those who love the islands in Mandovi to pick up the signals and play our cards to foil clandastine corporate takeover plans.

Let's remember yet again Goa was Annexed through conquest in 1961 and what we witness currently is the fruit of that Soviet Union arrogance through veto power of 18 December 1961 at UN Security Council. 

Our islands would have never been in these vulnerable state if we had to experience genuine liberation. We are slowly brainwashed to believe conquest as liberation. Time to act is knocking our doors. Assembly of people with grossly doubtful integrity are enacting the laws to legalize land loot of varied diversity promoting rapidly the situation of oppression and injustice against people of Goa.

We need to make our choices pretty quickly for time waits for none. Preparation is better than regret. 

Let's act now to defend paddy fields from being hijacked into Mangroves with Goltim-Navelim Panchayat as efficient conduit of eco-colonialism.

Currently there is strong movement to do away with Mangroves inside paddy fields and reclaim the space for paddy cultivation. Rightful place of Mangroves is on the river banks, no one objects. And these Mangroves are hacked by another corporate engaging in water sports tourism known as Champion's Island of infamous and Panchayat's role here us under scanner. Invasion of rice fields must be preserved as such without getting Mangroves to mess up.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Diwar Bonderam as Bridge to Vanxim?

Divar Bonderam as bridge to Vanxim?

Vanxim scam that originated in echelons of clerical headquarters in Altinho in February 2006 with scandalous morally wrong sale deed seems to have got dirty wings with Goa CM Sawnt declaration of bridge connecting Vanxim to Divar Island.

The bridge is pre-requsite to intensity land grab of the island. Paddy fields, fishery, peaceful life style. 

Mahendra Gaunekar, Sonali Gaunekar, Ozone corporate, Fr. Arline D'mello, Archbishop Cardinal Ferrao Ferrao are part of this shoddy deal on record. There are shaddy behind the scenes sneeze operators.

They visualize Vanxim differently, luxuriously with tourism, luxury housing as chief focus, clandastine agenda.

Since this scam is creation of clergymen it is the duty of the clergy to intervene and get Vanxim out of clutches of the likes of Sawant, Faldesai.

Festival of Bonderam has been used to make declaration on Bridge at Vanxim is indeed instructive. 

People not only Vanxim but also from  Divar and Malar must see through various land grab scams. Vianaar, FORREST are just two of them on radar, visible. 

One who pays bagpipper calls the tune. One who sponsors the events expects submissions to agendas of doubtful motives.

Thats how we are today.

Attack on Vanxim today is attack on Divar, Malar, and rest of Goa as well.

It's invasion. We had Goa annexed through conquest in 1961. Today it's dispossesion of Land from Goans to be handed over to posh ones.

Currently we even have law to take over the properties. The real estate interests not only dominates Divar Banderam but also controls and directs current BJP government in Goa.

Man charged with dozen criminal sections for looting iron by Ambar Tomblo is current legislator from Cumbharjua that lobbies for bridge at Vanxim. Intention that is criminal has its origin is certain to have enslaving outcome.

Let's think through this development and get clear understand on what's been pushed on to us once again.

Monday 12 August 2024

Curb Public Health Risks From Cellular Radiation in Goa

Curb Public Health risks from cellular radiation in Goa!

It has come to our to realization that despite the issue of health hazards from cellular radiation from mobile towers being placed before the Goa Government no steps at all are initiated to address the concerns. 

Several village representatives had placed health concerns due to tower radiation before North Goa Collector on 08 February 2024 during North Goa District level Telecom Committee meeting at Panjim Collector's Office.

The issues were placed before the North Goa Collector Smt. Sneha Gitte, IAS for resolution as per the minutes of the meeting we accessed.

Morlem Colony, Sattari mobile tower is erected very close to the vicinity of school endangering lives of school students as well as the staff. The decision on this as per minutes was to get involve Government of India by writing to the authorities. Yet nothing has worked and invisible threat looms large.

Similarly health and allied corruption issues surrounding mobile tower at Navelim-Divar in front of Piedade Church were placed as per minutes of meeting. And no action has been initiated to de-commision this tower posing long term danger to people living in the vicinity.

Guirim member of Panchayat had similarly raised the issue of mobile tower posing health risks to the community and authorities has not taken any action on this to uproot the tower at all till date thereby perpetuating the risk.

Similarly tower raditation posing health risks to the people of Siridao were raised by Siridao Sarpanch on behalf of village people and government response is equally elusive so far.

Additionally people from Cumbharjua in Tiswadi had also raised the issue of health risks due to mobile tower in their village but hasn't been recorded in the minutes.

Even though all the health issues are common factor in all the complaints and deposition regarding mobile towers the decision on record was to communicate the concerns to Telecommunications department, Government of India rather than to health department or to  Goa State Pollution Control Board. 

More than half the year has gone by and still there is no action initiated on the decisions taken to address health issues arising out of cellular radiation. 

The implication of this state of affairs is increasing risks to the Public Health in Goa triggering variety of issues including cancer, tumors and more.

Suggestion made at the February 08, 2024 meeting to create facility for weekly update on Public Health issues being published in various scholarly journals in the world has also been ignored in the minutes.

There is deliberate gambling away of public health in Goa to provide undue advantage to the cellular industry. And this is simply unacceptable and authorities need to change this trend immidiately or be prepared for unpredictable consequences. Current care-a-dam attitude must melt away.

Few concerned people in Goa has formed initiative "Cellular Radiation Watch -Goa" to maintain vigilance on cellular radiation issues all over Goa. 

We request you to volunteer your talents, time and resources possible to uphold Public Health risks caused due to cellular radiation. Those willing do message to us at +919923272471 or email us at

Do pass this important message around for the sake of Public Health of Goa!

Ashok Gawas,


Cellular Radiation Watch - Goa

Thursday 8 August 2024

Goa University sewarage let in Cacra village and Zuari river

Goa University sewerage near its guest house is flowing open directly into Cacra village and then into Zuari river for past few days. Smelling dirty. Registrar, Vice-chancellor and Chancellor must attend to this immidiately as lower Goa University administration has failed. 

The consequence of this failure is utter treatment of disrespect and insult to Cacra village.

Disgusting situation to say the least.

Monday 5 August 2024

Keep The Hope Burning

 Keep The Hope Burning

Just as, a tiny spark can light a fire,

In every Goan, must there be a burning desire.

The air of silence doesn't always mean echoing peace.

Beast, consider not your Strength meaning strong,

Ripping off her brown skin, an act shamefully wrong. 

Consider not, her flowing rivers to be dusky pearls.

The weeping waters indeed her tears.

Just as, a coin has two sides, 

Doesn't mean Head is always on a ride.

The Tail too can flip over and win 

So is the story of every true Gõyekar living in.

Not all flags that glide in the air speak of freedom 

Her swaying trees in the breeze, a prey to the cruel system

Just as fire cannot perish gold in a furnace

Test not the brave Valor of Goans. 

For those whose heart bleed hurt and breath fears,

Your silence will only reap misery and shivers.

It's time to lift your feet, and join the fleet,

As 100s together you shall conquer defeat. 

Bertha Fonseca Kadam,

Page 21, Lily of St. Anthony, August 2024, Vol. 08, XXXIX, Siolim, Goa

Thursday 1 August 2024

Fury in Waynad

 Fury in Waynad



Let me consult my heart...

Feel the heart beat..

Listen to the screamless death....

And violent screams...

At 2.00 am and 4.30 am on 30th July 2024...

Mountains at Waynad in Kerala tuned their anger raw...

Cracked open...

Pushed debris over the houses...

Some bodies mutilated in pieces...

Some disappeared without a trace...

Still some rescued is a miracle...

Torrential rains....

River formed where people stayed...

No roads left...

Its all unfolded when villagers lay asleep...

Down was yet to shine...

Darkness still ruled the times...

Every announcement increased number of dead...

It crossed 200 so far...

Don't know what final figure might be...

Three villages now only the memories..

Ghastly act of nature...

Brute separation of souls from the bodies...

Men, women, pregnant ones, children, todlers, girls, boys, elderly, infirmed, all perished...

Civil administration succumbed, crumbled, caught unaware...

Struggling to find breath of early morning tragedy...

God's own country, Kerala...

May find God's own grace...

To mourn for the dead, care for the sick...

To bounce back in Resilience...

Little prayer to Almighty I raise...

Bless beloved Kerala State..

God bless Waynad...

01 August 2024

Sebastian Rodrigues,
