Monday 26 August 2024

Should paddy fields be deliberately conversted into Mangrove Forest

Should paddy fields be deliberately converted into Mangrove forest?

Latest developments on Divar Island compels us all to ask this question.

15 acres of paddy fields within the Jurisdiction of Goltim-Navelim panchayat are sought by Pune based NGO known as FORREST. Sight inspection is fixed for 28 August 2024.

Those with legal entitlement to the land survey numbers mentioned in Panchayat notice hasn't even been consulted at all on the matter. Yet Panchayat felt it fit to issue notice of site inpection dated 09 August 2024 for verification on 28 August 2024 at 11.00 am.

If Panchayat and FORREST has their way to plant Mangroves in paddy fields then it would lead to dramatic legal as well as ecological changes. Legally Jurisdiction of the paddy fields will be shiring from revenue department to forest department. That will be the begining of pressure on people to evict - though gradually. Mangroves in paddy fields covering 15 acres will also create food security issues. The wisdom of the local Panchayat even to consider application from FORREST needs to be examined. Why is it the case that Panchayat headed never considered revival of paddy fields for rice plantation? 

Conservation as is seen from development in Goltim - Navelim is taking the form of green colonialism and urgent anti-colonial steps are needed. If steps are not initiated on time then pressure on Island people will increase. Life under forest regime in India is life of enslavement and it must be rejected lock, stock and barrel.

It's FORREST in Divar Island, it's Third eye vision in St. Estevam, It's Bridge to facilitate luxury tourism in Vanxim, all the islands in Mandovi are being chewed up. It's time now for all the island people to forge joint action and plan of understanding to launch movement to reclaim all the islands from all the preying vested interests.

Goa CM and Cumbharjua MLA on bonderam day has already blown trumpet. It is for us islanders and those who love the islands in Mandovi to pick up the signals and play our cards to foil clandastine corporate takeover plans.

Let's remember yet again Goa was Annexed through conquest in 1961 and what we witness currently is the fruit of that Soviet Union arrogance through veto power of 18 December 1961 at UN Security Council. 

Our islands would have never been in these vulnerable state if we had to experience genuine liberation. We are slowly brainwashed to believe conquest as liberation. Time to act is knocking our doors. Assembly of people with grossly doubtful integrity are enacting the laws to legalize land loot of varied diversity promoting rapidly the situation of oppression and injustice against people of Goa.

We need to make our choices pretty quickly for time waits for none. Preparation is better than regret. 

Let's act now to defend paddy fields from being hijacked into Mangroves with Goltim-Navelim Panchayat as efficient conduit of eco-colonialism.

Currently there is strong movement to do away with Mangroves inside paddy fields and reclaim the space for paddy cultivation. Rightful place of Mangroves is on the river banks, no one objects. And these Mangroves are hacked by another corporate engaging in water sports tourism known as Champion's Island of infamous and Panchayat's role here us under scanner. Invasion of rice fields must be preserved as such without getting Mangroves to mess up.

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