Monday 5 August 2024

Keep The Hope Burning

 Keep The Hope Burning

Just as, a tiny spark can light a fire,

In every Goan, must there be a burning desire.

The air of silence doesn't always mean echoing peace.

Beast, consider not your Strength meaning strong,

Ripping off her brown skin, an act shamefully wrong. 

Consider not, her flowing rivers to be dusky pearls.

The weeping waters indeed her tears.

Just as, a coin has two sides, 

Doesn't mean Head is always on a ride.

The Tail too can flip over and win 

So is the story of every true Gõyekar living in.

Not all flags that glide in the air speak of freedom 

Her swaying trees in the breeze, a prey to the cruel system

Just as fire cannot perish gold in a furnace

Test not the brave Valor of Goans. 

For those whose heart bleed hurt and breath fears,

Your silence will only reap misery and shivers.

It's time to lift your feet, and join the fleet,

As 100s together you shall conquer defeat. 

Bertha Fonseca Kadam,

Page 21, Lily of St. Anthony, August 2024, Vol. 08, XXXIX, Siolim, Goa

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