Saturday 24 August 2024

Diwar Bonderam as Bridge to Vanxim?

Divar Bonderam as bridge to Vanxim?

Vanxim scam that originated in echelons of clerical headquarters in Altinho in February 2006 with scandalous morally wrong sale deed seems to have got dirty wings with Goa CM Sawnt declaration of bridge connecting Vanxim to Divar Island.

The bridge is pre-requsite to intensity land grab of the island. Paddy fields, fishery, peaceful life style. 

Mahendra Gaunekar, Sonali Gaunekar, Ozone corporate, Fr. Arline D'mello, Archbishop Cardinal Ferrao Ferrao are part of this shoddy deal on record. There are shaddy behind the scenes sneeze operators.

They visualize Vanxim differently, luxuriously with tourism, luxury housing as chief focus, clandastine agenda.

Since this scam is creation of clergymen it is the duty of the clergy to intervene and get Vanxim out of clutches of the likes of Sawant, Faldesai.

Festival of Bonderam has been used to make declaration on Bridge at Vanxim is indeed instructive. 

People not only Vanxim but also from  Divar and Malar must see through various land grab scams. Vianaar, FORREST are just two of them on radar, visible. 

One who pays bagpipper calls the tune. One who sponsors the events expects submissions to agendas of doubtful motives.

Thats how we are today.

Attack on Vanxim today is attack on Divar, Malar, and rest of Goa as well.

It's invasion. We had Goa annexed through conquest in 1961. Today it's dispossesion of Land from Goans to be handed over to posh ones.

Currently we even have law to take over the properties. The real estate interests not only dominates Divar Banderam but also controls and directs current BJP government in Goa.

Man charged with dozen criminal sections for looting iron by Ambar Tomblo is current legislator from Cumbharjua that lobbies for bridge at Vanxim. Intention that is criminal has its origin is certain to have enslaving outcome.

Let's think through this development and get clear understand on what's been pushed on to us once again.

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