Sunday 2 April 2023

Loosing Forest for the mines in Caurem?

Here we present Caurem mining EIA critique by Samuel Aaron Afonso

1) The parameters of water quality and noise levels (decibels) not mentioned include the methods and equipment used.

2) Embarked place for waste disposal not described.

3) No system for testing groundwater contamination specifically.

4) For compensation they have included native and non native trees. My question is why have they included non-native/exotic trees.. We have enough ecological imbalance due to exotic trees. Therefore only endemic/native tree plantations should be allowed and encouraged.

All endemic plants should be properly described without missing out on any. Because negligence could lead some endemic trees to fall into the endangered category which is already happening in many areas in India.

5) There is no proper inventory for the number and type of trees to be cut. It is vaguely mentioned as hectares.

6) GIS technology should be used to the fullest which is not seen in this case used to its full potential. There are many upcoming qualified GIS consultants in Goa which could be used for this project and get the best output from it.

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