Wednesday 26 June 2024

Call for braod alliance on Velsao fish mortality in Arabian Sea

AGSSRFU calls for broad alliance around Velsao fish mortality due to corporate negligence

All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union (AGSSRFU) decided to extent support and Solidarity with fishing communities of Velsao in South Goa who are opposing fish mortality in Arabian Sea at Velsao Beach due to release of poisonous chemicals in sea water from nearby ferlizer plant on nearby hill top.

Fishing Union took this decision to this effect on June 10, 2024 after Union representative of the carried on site visit to the Velsao beach on the same day when dead fish was abundant on northern stretch of Velsao beach.

AGSSRFU has also taken cognizance of various complaints on this topic lodged with various authorities in Goa. AGSSRFU was alerted with statements in press issued by the leadership of Goenche Fuldle Pidke Khatir (GFPK). GFPK statement was noted by Pradip Chaterjee, National Convenor of NPSSFW (National Platform for Small Scale Fish Workers) in Kolkata and directed AGSSRFU to examine the issue further.

Subsequently AGSSRFU noted primary complaint from an NGO Goencho Ekvott to Velsao Panchayat dated 27 May 2024 complaining about fish mortality.

We have also noted complaint filed by Goechea Ramponkaracho Ekvott (GRE) dated 28 May 2024 addressed to Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) and other authorities.

We have also noted video put out on this subject of fish mortality by Cortalim MLA Anton Vas online

AGSSRFU has also taken note of detail video interviews from local fishermen from Velsao named Aliston Pinto posted online and expresses support and Solidarity with him. Fertilizer plant Paradip Phosphate must be held accountable for the release of toxic liquid in Arabian Sea waters at Velsao Beach.

AGSSRFU considers decision to locate fertilizer factory on the hill is wrong ab initiao and time has arrived to correct past political mistake even though culprit is India's top business tycoon Birlas at who house M.K. Gandhi was shot dead in 1948.

Allocation of Sancoale hill top communidade land to Birlas was more of reward of war spoil after Soviet Veto power at United Security Council on 18 December 1961 handed over territory of Goa to India. Indian corporate house Birlas then considered pollution of Velsao waters as its patrimonial rights from 1975 onwards. AGSSRFU salutes all the hard work and toil carried on to combat this insult to Goa's fishing coast by Mathany Saldanha from 1975 onwards. 

AGSSRFU in this context calls for co-ordinated movement around fish mortality at Velsao Beach and request all the organisations involved including fishing organisations to start dialogue with each other to forge broad alliance with common minimum agenda of addressing marine water pollution and fish mortality from Paradeep Phosphate. AGSSRFU is committed to forge ahead this process. 

Shaila D'mello


Laximan Mangueshkar


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