Thursday 4 July 2024

Stop harrasment to SSF communities!

 04 July 2024


The Director,

Department of Fisheries,

Government of Goa,

Panaji, Goa

Sub: Harassment to enter Fisheries department office


It has come to our attention that security personnel at the ground floor entrance to Fisheries department office is involved in harrowing those visiting the office of Fisheries department. 

One such incident we wish bring to your notice that at 10.41 am on 26 June 2026 some fishermen connected with our Union were told to sign some notebook with security personnel. While they were signing the notebook one person came and security personnel let him go without signing the notebook. Security when questioned informed that that person is one ex-MLA and trawler owner. Security personnel also informed that there is standing instructions from Director of Fisheries to wave off recording of the names of ex-MLAs to the department. He also told that as per directions of Director of Fisheries only the small scale fishers are required to register at the security register because they are involved in exposing various scams in the department by getting electronic media and other press attention to the office of Director of Fisheries.

Security also insulted fishermen with rude utterances. This we condemn strongly.

We wish to know the content of directions issued to the security and the list of ex-MLAs who are exepted from signing register at the security of Fisheries department entrance as there is no list was exceptions were displayed at the entrance.

Most fair way of proceeding ahead on this is to make every member of public sign the security register as Fisheries department is perceiving security threats and no one must be allowed to enter the office - including ex-MLAs - without signing security register. Discrimination in registration at security entrance you must stop immidiately.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Shaila D'mello

President, AGSSRFU

Laximan Mangueshkar

Secretary, AGSSRFU

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