Saturday, 16 November 2024

Corporate hand behind Cumbharjua MLA Video advocating Vanxim- Divar bridge?

Cumbharjua Member of the Goa Legislative Assembly transforming into ammunition of corporate arsenals is not a new feature. There used to be one Madkaikar who played that role for Ozone Leisue private limited during his tenure.

These days negotiations are on between Delhi based DLF and Bangalore based Ozone Leisure Private Limited on Vanxim. Ozone who got Vanxim land in their name from the office of Goa Archbishop via Mahendra Gaunekar now attempting to sell off the same to DLF. This is one of the most notorious land deals by the office of Goa Archbishop in Goa Church history.

We note that DLF personel are carrying on visits to Vanxim these days and parallely Cumbharjua MLA has got video vocal to construct bridge to Vanxim from Divar threby by ruining both the islands.

It's plausible that the MLA has taken briefs to do, so that  real estate value of Vanxim Island can be hiked. Considering the history of said MLA recorded officially through the complaint of Amber Timblo in mining robbery case in Sanguem such shaddy deal comes naturally as legacy.

None who played around with Vanxim were spared in the past and none will be spared henceforth, not even the Cumbharjua MLA. Earlier he realizes better it is for him.

Is is now pretty clear that corporate has put in place sustained advocacy campaign team that includes Cumbharjua MLA, Goa Chief Minister and more. Yet people of Vanxim and Divar refuse to tolerate their aggression and will be  countered appropriately, jointly, come what may. We dare!

It must be noted that People of Vanxim vehemently opposed Vanxim - Divar bridge idea at the Sao Mathias Gram Sabha on Sunday 10 November 2024. Opposition to bridge has rattled corporate intentions and we now see who is cleaverly defending corporate camp: Cumbharjua MLA! He perhaps believes to his peril that he can fool every one with his handful of kitty tricks.

Who believes in promises of Politicians? 

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