Thursday 1 March 2018

'Why' Politics of all Party meeting on Goa mining

Why Goa's legislators never thought of calling all Party meeting to discuss water shortages caused by mining by drying up of 75 village water wells of Sirigao village as mining pits have gone 90 meter below sea level? Why they never thought of calling all Party meeting to discuss entire destruction of agriculture by mining industry in Sirigao village? Why Goa legislators never had all Party meet when Forests land were diverted for mining and razed down brazenly? Why Goa legislators never had all Party meeting when Goa's rivers are invaded by mining industry through pollution as recorded in first meeting of GSPCB? Why they never called all Party meeting when so many jobs in hinterlands of Goa steadily lost due to mining intrusions? Why Goa's legislators are so selective in calling all Party meetings about mining in Goa? Is it likely that mining industry funds and 'buys off' all the MLAs? Is is likely that all political Parties in Goa are funded openly or under the table by mining industry? Why? Why? Why? This set of questions need answer for the sake of Goa's safety and prosperity. Can you attempt an answer?

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