Monday 30 September 2024

Ranes and their mercenary administration over Goa

Why it is important to know about earstwhile mercenary administrators of Goa?

While the role of town planners of Goa and board members under Town and Country Planning Act has attracted increasing attention due to dubious reasons of rapid land conversion into settlement zone there is need to further understand the way Goa's current TCP department functions. 

TCP department is currently headed by Vishwajit Rane. His brazen approach to transfer Goa's land through ammedments to TCP are attracting increasing unrest. The way he dealt with 16 B, 39 A and 17 (2) to parcel out Goa's land to moneyed section of India has been sufficiently noted. What is also noted is the way Vishwajit Rane goes about tactical withdrawal of the TCP sections and re-introduces nefarious principles through different paths. There is something peculiar the way he goes about. After making commitments of land conversions to his known ones from all over India he deploys powerful and cunning initiatives to fulfill the commitment. The matter is no longer restricted to satisfaction of those who sponsored his election campaign. It's much beyond sale of Goa at all costs. He goes all out to facilitate handing over Goa's land to rich and powerful irrespective of how loudly people of Goa shout.

Portuguese who has unique acumen for governing Goa since 25 November 1510 has kept detail documentation on how they dealt with Vishwajit Rane's ancestors.

Portuguese government codified "Reģime para a concessão de terrenos do Estado da Índia" on 24 November 1917 and published in 1918 by Nova Goa - Imprensa Nacional. This document in English would mean Regime for the concession of land in the State of India.

Rule of Ranes under Portuguese fugure under Articles 222 and 223. The following is the English translation of Portuguese text of Article 222:

"There will be a book of accounts in survey department in which all the dessais, accadares and mercenaries who own and administer any of the dessaiados or mercies will be entered.

& Unique. The desaiados and other mercenaries mentioned in this article and currently existing in the State of India are those designated in the Maps annexed in nos 1 and 2 thus being considered as a provisional summery of some mercenaries."

In deed there is annexure of Map.2 on page 88 of the Reģime with a title (English translation):

Dissatisfied & other favors/bounties mercenary administrators 

Maulinguem: Sodogi Gonobá Ranes

Saleli: Candobá Vitoba Ranes

Gululêm: Umaga Zalbá Ranes

Querim: Zoitogi Raugi Ranes

Sanvordem: Ramachandrá Custobá Ranes

Poriem: Ballá Virobá Ranes

Advoi: Manica Zotobá Ranes

The political history of ancestors of Vishwajit Rane has been that of mercenary. The distinguishing character of mercenary relationships with State is extraction of largess through diplomacy of co-ercion of various kinds. Ranes extracted admistration of large tracks of lands from Portuguese through use of co-ercion for self-agrandisement.

Current rule of Vishwajit Rane must be assessed from perspective of mercenary legacy of his ancestors. Minute examination is needed both from within Sattari and without Sattari to understand detail political mercenary maneuvering currently underway from the office of TCP Minister. 

Can anything different be expecting from Vishwajit Rane whose ancestors has left his trail-blazing mercenary legacy other than intensified loot and plunder of Goa?

For mercenary rule what matters is power, wealth, privileges. Political Parties doesn't matter. Political Power matters. Political Parties can be changed easily. Mercenary needs captive souls. Sattari supplies those as per needs of votes in democracy. His father was never even an MLA from BJP Party, yet he enjoys lifetime cabinet status as his retirement largesse from BJP government. This is what mercenary rule yields. Mercenaries makes no qualms about crying in public if that will suit the situation. Many remember Vishwajit Rane crying next to Late Manohar Parrkar. His marriage to Divya has yielded his access to mining baron wealth. Divya in turn has harvested political power from Rane's mercenary politics. Their power together encompasses TCP, Health, Forest, Mining and more. 

This is a broad canvas on for Rajesh Naik Go Back! Rajesh Naik go home! You have caused enough damage! These are slogans from October 01, 2024 protest call given by Swapnesh Sherlekar.

Who appointed Rajesh Naik in TCP office in the first place? Are there mercenary strings attach that moves his mind?

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