Wednesday 2 October 2024

Mourn the Goa land sale in Delhi or celebrate Gandhi Jayanth in Goa?i

While many celebrate birth anniversary of M.K.Gandhi today in India the rapacious corporate wolves are devoring Goa on Delhi. Our land is put on platter to be traded, to be sold, to be purchased.

Goa has been put on National Highlighter at an exclusive property Expo. This is indeed so sickening and we wish Soviet Union had never exercised veto at UN security council on 18 December 1961 to facilitate India's annexure of Goa through conquest.

M.K. Gandhi had no position on Goa. He fought British. Not Portuguese rule in Goa. One needs to examine reasons for this political position he took. What would be Gandhian position on outright scandalous co-ersive corporate takeover of Goa's land in India's capital New Delhi?

It's choice one needs to make whether to celebrate Birth Anniversary of M.K. Gandhi or mourn sale of Goa as 'property' in Delhi. For State its celebration. For People in Goa it's mourning: sorrowful sagas for Goa once again planned in Delhi whiled executed in Goa. 

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